Many writers seem to disappear when we're not actively promoting a new book, or posting notices about newly published work, or participating in readings. Some writers even step away from their work as writers from time to time, to focus on other creative projects. 

For the last few years, I've been collaborating with composer Timothy C. Takach. He's set some of my published pieces, and commissioned new work specifically for his own compositions. Below are links to a few of these projects. Give these pieces a listen. They're gorgeous.

Helios: VIII. Moon (Everything is Made of Light)

Helios: VII. Mars (Love Asleep and Waiting)

Hungry (from This is How You Love)

Insidious (from Moments in Film)


​​Check out these recent publications by William Reichard:

“Midwest Landscape: A Question of the Body”

“Midwest Landscape: A Lost Boy.” 

             Gyroscope Review 21.2 (Spring 2021) 

“The Night Train.” 

            Impossible Archetype


“Steve’s Perfect Day.” 

             La Presa  11.1 (Spring 2021)

“Still Life, with Pomegranate.” 

            Water~Stone Review 23.1 (2020-2021) 

“Tinnitus (in Four Movements)


            Cimmaron Review Issue 211.1 (Spring 2020) 


“Tchaikovsky, Writing to His Nephew, on Depression, and Finding Beauty Amid the Wreckage of the Soul.” 

             Mollyhouse 1.1 (June 2020)


"The Monster Addresses His Maker on the Night of His Nuptials"

"President Fabulous"

"Midwest Landscape: The First Man"

​              in Queer Voices (MN Historical Society Press, 2019)